- 渴望家庭的温暖.a longing for hearth and home
- 对温暖家庭的渴望a longing for hearth and home
- 渴望wishful
- 这样,我9岁就挑起了家庭的重担。我想方设法,干各种杂活,养家活口。So I was a bread winner when I was nine. I did odds and sods to get things by any means.
- 温暖warm
- 出人头地,提高他及其家庭的社会地位的希望促使他继续向前。He was drawn on by the hope of improving his own social position and that of his family.
- 我老实不客气地告诉弗兰克,他不能再把照顾家庭的职责放在一边不管了。I really talked turkey to Frank and told him that he could not go on ignoring his family obligations.
- 我们把夫妻视为家庭的基本成员。We regard husband and wife as the primary units of the family.
- 他企图掩饰有关他家庭的丑闻。He attempted to smother up a scandal about his family.
- 他被安葬在家庭的墓穴里。He was buried in the family vault.
- 中等家庭的收入the median family income
- 孩子们都已长大,该找工作了。他们将成为家庭的财源。The boys are old enough to get a job. They are becoming the milch cow of the family.
- 她想控制家庭的愿望已引起麻烦。Her desire to dominate the family have cause trouble.
- 我的忠贞是属于我的家庭的My loyalties lie with my family.
- 生活在家庭的温暖怀抱中to live in the bosom of your family
- 对家庭的责任心不仅是人类的一种约束,也是一种训练。Certainly wife and children are a kind of discipline of humanity;
- 围炉夜话才能真正感受家庭的温暖。The words which surroundthe stove a night then can be real to feel homely warmth.
- 和美国家庭的这种爱同时并存的是自强及独立的文化价值观。Coexisting with such love in the American family are cultural values of self-reliance and independence.
- 亲属关系由血缘,婚姻,或收养形成的亲戚关系;家庭的亲属关系Connection by blood, marriage, or adoption; family relationship.
- 自1994年起,全国各级工会组织每年开展对困难职工家庭的“送温暖”活动。Since 1994,trade unions at all levels have organized "heart-warming activities" every year to offer help to badly-off families.