- 喂,我想电召的士到渥太华市中心。Hello,I'm calling for a cab to downtown Ottawa.
- 布赖恩曾是渥太华市最时尚街区中一家知名饭馆的主厨。Brian was a chef in a prestigious restaurant in a trendy section of Ottawa.
- 该会议最近的一次是于去年4月份在安大略省渥太华市由加拿大税务署主持召开。The Conference most recently met when Revenue Canada hosted it in Ottawa, Ontario last April.
- 赫尔加拿大魁北克省西南城市,和安大略省的渥太华市相对。有一个水力发电站和一些纸浆厂、造纸厂以及木材厂。人口56,225A city of southwest Quebec, Canada, opposite Ottawa, Ontario. It has a hydroelectric station and pulp, paper, and lumber mills. Population,56, 225.
- 赫尔,加拿大魁北克省西南城市,和安大略省的渥太华市相对。有一个水力发电站和一些纸浆厂、造纸厂以及木材厂。人口56,225a city of southwest Quebec,Canada,opposite Ottawa,Ontario. It has a hydroelectric station and pulp,paper,and lumber mills. Population,56,225
- 赫尔:加拿大魁北克省西南城市,和安大略省的渥太华市相对。有一个水力发电站和一些纸浆厂、造纸厂以及木材厂。人口56,225。A city of southwest Quebec, Canada, opposite Ottawa, Ontario. It has a hydroelectric station and pulp, paper, and lumber mills. Population, 56,225.