- 坦克tank
- 古希腊ancient Greece
- 中古mediaeval times
- 古罗马ancient Rome
- 夹渣entrapped slag
- 太古immemorial
- 排渣slag-off
- 我们的坦克团把敌军打得落花流水。Our tank regiment thrashed the enemy troops.
- 熔渣sprue
- 古今ancient and modern
- 我们的步兵有坦克支持。Our infantry is supported by tanks.
- 除渣deslagging
- 古铜bronze
- 浮渣scum
- 随着一阵颤动,坦克停了下来。The tank came to a halt with a shudder.
- 古龙香水cologne stick
- 出渣taphole
- 坦克先遣队引导步兵进攻。A spearhead of tanks led the infantry attack.
- 古生代Paleozoic
- 甘蔗渣bagasse