- 清扫所有的地板.Sweeping the floor all around.
- 所有all
- 他先是觉得所有的物体都在眼前摇晃,然后就昏倒在地。All the objects swam before his eyes before he fell fainting on the floor.
- 所有的proprietorial
- 第一次爆炸发生后,有人想到切断所有的电源,这真是一件幸事。It was a good thing somebody had the brains to switch off all the power when the first explosion occurred.
- 所有的硬纸盒都堆放在地板上。All the cardboard boxes lay piled on the floor.
- 作为例外,我接受他所有的概念和构想,只有一个除外。As an exception I accept all his concepts and conceptions except one.
- 警察在监视,以确保所有的开车人都有在新速限之内行驶。The police are watching to see that all motorists remain/stay within the new speed limit.
- 她把所有的陈设都擦干净,还拖了地板。She wiped all the surfaces and mopped the floor.
- 殖民地官员竞命令他的部下用格打死所有的逃出的村民。The colonial officer went so far as to order his men to snoot down all escaping villagers.
- 我看到桌子上所有的玻璃杯掉到了地板上。I watched all the glasses that were on the table fall off and onto the floor.
- 我不明白你为什麽要有所区分,所有的绘画不都是艺术吗?I don't understand your distinction: surely all painting is art?
- 接着,我看到桌上所有的杯子都摔落到地板上。And then I watched all the glasses that were on the table fall off onto the floor.
- 后来我问文森特他的父亲是否对他所有的女朋友都是那样。Later I asked Vincent if his dad was like that with all his girlfriends.
- 务必把所有的钉子都钉进去, 这样地板才光滑。Make sure that all the nails are punched in so that the floor is smooth.
- 我今晚邀请了所有的同事来吃晚餐,你不记得什么日子吗?I invited all my colleagues to dinner tonight. Don't you remember what day it is?
- 我一不小心碰了书架上的一本书,而上面所有的书都掉下来了。I hit just one book on the bookshelf carlessly and all the books on it came down.
- 所有的古树在拔起时失去他们的建筑护甲而变成中型护甲。Ancients temporarily lose their fortified armor when they uproot, becoming medium armor units.
- 工联已警告他们所有的店员不要参加非官方组织的罢工。The union has warned all their shop stewards not to take part in unofficial strikes.
- 仅从这两次事故就得出结论说,所有的年轻人都开不好车,这公平吗?Is it fair to generalize from these two accidents and say that all young people are bad drivers?