- 德国总理安格拉?默克尔十分熟悉“冷战”外交,但本周三,她却首次遭遇了“清凉商务”外交。German chancellor Angela Merkel is familiar with Cold War diplomacy, but on Wednesday she had her first encounter with Cool Biz diplomacy.
- 报道说,日本今夏的“清凉商务”节能行动曾促使数十万名日本国家机关公务员添置新装,这次“温暖商务”行动将可能引发日本秋冬季男装销量大涨。While Japanese autumns are usually mild, the winter months could become uncomfortably cold for civil servants who refuse to pull on a pair of long johns or a woolly vest.
- 林木线以上清凉泉水。A cool spring above the timberline.
- 日本首相安倍晋三与德国总理默克尔就气候变化问题在东京会晤。安倍首相对默克尔总理说,为了响应“清凉商务”运动,他让随行人员摘掉领带以节约能源。Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who met Merkel in Tokyo to discuss climate change, told the chancellor he had asked his entourage to take off their ties as part of his "Cool Biz" campaign to save energy.
- 我们要是能喝上一大杯清凉饮料, 那多好哇!A long cool drink would do us all a power of good!
- 他们在烈日下在田里干活,都渴望喝点清凉饮料。Working in the fields under the scorching sun,they were all panting for a cold drink.
- 抽烟吗妹妹,这是我美国带回来的正宗More,清凉型的,夏天抽这个特别提神。Sister, which I brought back to the United States authentically More cool-summer pumping this special perk up.
- 在狮子峰的清凉顶,向下可以看到平顶山上的岩石,平顶山因其状如猴子观海而著名。Atop the Cooling Apex of Lion Peak, one can look down at the rocks on.
- 州际商务interstate commerce
- *清爽的薄荷配方,能迅速补充体力,它那清凉的感觉渗入您每一寸肌肤,使您清凉一夏。Cool mint ingredient can quickly replenish physical strength, and the cool sense will spread to the whole body, bringing you a cool summer.
- 他的商务生涯十分成功。He made a successful career in business.
- 我想睡在我自己的床上,沉浸在干净床单的清凉愉悦之中,将头靠在我自己软软的枕头上休息。I want to sleep in my own bed and luxuriate in the cool crispness of clean sheets, and rest my head on my own soft pillow.
- 那家商务运输公司业务繁忙。The commercial carrier is doing a lively business.
- 商务班机commercial airliner
- 早饭吃的是罐头咸牛肉丁,烘烤得黄灿灿的,上面还配着一只煎鸡蛋,还有咖啡牛奶和一大杯清凉爽口的葡萄叶。Breakfast was corned-beef hash, browned, with an egg on top of it, coffee and milk, and a big glass of chilled grapefruit juice
- 商务行业commercial vocation
- 小路引导着你走出树林,来到了一片山麓。你停下脚步,在清凉的溪水边休息,潺潺流动的溪水来自于那座正在融化的雪山。The path leads you out of the trees to a mountainside where you stop to refresh yourself in a cooling stream that flows from the snow-caps.
- 政府命令商务专员回国。The government ordered the commercial attache to return home.
- 喜马拉雅山与瓦拉纳西之间有个鹿野苑,喔!佛陀啊!你那高贵的品格,如同月光下的清凉之水,在这丛林里轻柔地显现!Oh, "blessed One, your noble qualities (virtues) murmur in such place, in cold water of moon rays, in scrub jungle in Himalaya and in Varanasi holly place so called Migadaya".
- 他在商务活动中惨遭挫折。He fell on a miserable setback in the commercial campaign.