- 深情地抚摸她的头发.give her hair an affectionate stroke
- 他深情地抚摸着她的头发。He stroked her hair affectionately.
- 舍温小姐一个箭步冲到她面前,抚摸她的头发,两眼凝睇着她。Miss Sherwin darted to her, smoothed her hair, peered at her.
- 她深情地抚摸着他的面颊。She caressed his cheek lovingly.
- 她温柔地抚摸着我的头,就像是在抚摸她亲生儿子一样。She stroked my head as if I were her son.
- 她的her
- 他深情地抚着她的头发。He stroked her hair affectionately.
- 母亲疼爱地抚摸着婴儿。The mother caressed her baby lovingly.
- 1939年战争爆发时,她的父母在国外,他们直到战争结束时才能返家。Her parents were abroad when the balloon went up in1939 and they could not return home until the war was over.
- 她的头发在火灾中全部烧掉了,但医生保证会很快长出来。All her hair was burned off in the fire, but the doctors have promised that it will soon grow in again.
- 她疼爱地抚摸着孩子。She gave the child a loving caress.
- 她深情地凝视着他那熟睡的身影。She gazed with affection at his slumbering form.
- 我要是去抚摸她的手臂,她就把手抽回去。When I reach to touch her arm,she pulls away.
- 理发师将她的头发卷起来。The hairdresser curled her hair.
- 她深情地将女儿搂在怀里。She clasped her daughter passionately in her arms.
- 我宁愿闻到她的香,吻到她的唇,抚摸她的手,也不要没有她的永生。I would rather have had one breath of her hair, one kiss of her mouth, one touch of her hand than an eternity without it.
- 她抱着猫,温柔地抚摸着它。She was holding the cat in her arms and petting it tenderly.
- 她的头发乱极了。Her hair was in a terrible mess.
- 她深情地看了看丈夫。She gave her husband a loving look.
- 我要是去抚摸她的手臂,她就把手抽回去。When I reach to touch her arm, she pulls away.