- 从容go easy
- 陈沛:淡定在黑与白中Chen Pei: Be calm in black and white
- 从容的leisurely
- 从容地at leisure
- 这个女孩从容地把砖堆砌起来The girl stacked the blocks with deliberation.
- 他举止极为从容。He behaved with great composure.
- 他谈吐从容,举止优雅。He is easy in conversation and graceful in manner.
- 变从容relax
- 从容地读些书do some quiet reading
- 从容自若的欢迎unrestrained greeting
- 态度从容easiness of manner
- 他从容地走上了讲台。He calmly stepped onto the platform.
- 他从容地走进屋子。He entered the room deliberately.
- 就义从容To die for a righteous cause without any fuss
- 步伐从容An easygoing pace.
- 玉步从容Leisurely are the foot-steps of a woman
- 桑普拉斯的发球简直是绝妙,而他整个人又那么镇定从容。Sampras'serve was just too good and his composure too cool.
- 从容的步子an easy pace
- 从容旅行to travel by easy stages
- (尤指匆促或从容地)翻阅to page through