- 水险marine insurance
- 水险单marine insurance policy
- 雨水险rain insurance
- 他深深地涉入了反毒品运动。He was deeply involved with the anti-drugs crusade.
- 水险公司marine underwriter
- 他涉入赌博和卖淫的非法生意。He is involved in gambling and prostitution rackets.
- 水险掮客ship broker
- 水险(海运货物保险)Ocean marine cargo insurance, marine insurance
- 河流中可以徒涉的浅水区。a shallow area in a stream that can be forded.
- 山高水险Mountains are high, torrents swift
- 跋山涉野To roam over hill and dale
- 水险保单marine policy
- 初涉政界的人A neophyte at politics.
- 淡水险条款fresh water clause
- 指涉reference
- 水险保险人marine insurer
- 在小溪中涉行sloshed through the creek.
- 水险理赔部marine claim department
- 我们可以涉水到河的对岸吗?;涉过池塘。Can we wade across the river to the other side?; Wade the pond.
- 水险投保单marine insurance application