- 消息宣布后一片混乱.There was pandemonium when the news was announced.
- 消息宣布後一片混乱。There was pandemonium when the news was announced.
- 公告宣布后,股市一片混乱。Following the announcement, share prices went into a tailspin.
- 消息宣布後一片混乱.There was pandemonium when the news was announced.
- 宣布后接着而来的是一片寂静。There was a dead silence after the announcement.
- 裁员消息宣布时办公室里一片忧郁和沮丧的气氛。There was a feeling of gloom and depression in the office when the news of the job cuts was announced.
- 停火被宣布后,股票马上剧增。The stock market soared after the cease-fire was announced.
- 投票结果宣布后,首相承认失败了。When the result of the vote were announced the Prime Minister acknowledged defeat.
- "一枚手榴弹意外地发生了爆炸,接着是一片混乱,使我不知所措。"A hand grenade exploded by accident and I got lost in the ensuing confusion.
- 当进攻的消息宣布时,我感到胸口很难受。I got a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach when the news of the attack was announced.
- 当新的停车规定宣布后,引起全面的抗议A wail of misery went up when new parking restrictions were announced.
- 台风后一片混乱。The typhoon left chaos behind it.
- 然后他向后一挺,笔直地站在地上; 村民们爆发出一片欢呼、赞叹声。Then he lunges backwards, landing right-side-up, and the villagers erupt in cheering and chanting.
- 该城一片混乱。The city was in a turmoil.
- 陷入一片混乱to be flung into confusion
- 宣布后接着而来的是一片死寂。There was a dead silence after the announcement.
- 她的思想当时是一片混乱。Her mind was then in a tangle.
- 听到这个消息后,全镇居民一片欢腾。On hearing the news,the town was transported with joy.
- 会议结束时一片混乱。The meeting finished in disorder.
- 该城已经是无法无天,一片混乱。The city has become a lawless wilderness.