- 海外日圆贷款由日资银行在其本土分行借给在日本的客户,但在这些银行的海外分行入账。EYIL are loans made to customers in Japan by a domestic branch of a Japanese bank but booked in an overseas branch of the bank.
- 海外overseas
- 布卢姆伯格经济新闻社记者:在几个月以前,我们看到中国银行的一些海外分行有一些腐败现象被揭露出来。他们有一些违规的贷款等等。Q: (Bloomberg News) A couple of months ago, we learned of some cases involving the Bank of China and corruption, fraudulent loans and embezzlement in some of its overseas branches.
- 分行subsidiary bank
- 在香港注册的机构如在海外设有分行或附属公司,则须采取步骤提醒这些海外分行或附属公司的管理层,要留意集团对清洗黑钱活动的政策。Where Hong Kong incorporated institutions have branches or subsidiaries overseas, steps should be taken to alert management of such overseas offices to Group policy in relation to money laundering.
- 在海外beyond the sea
- 海外的overseas
- 海外投资offshore fund
- 银行分行money shop
- 海外市场market abroad
- 我们采取积极的态度吸引海外资金以弥补国内资金短缺。We adopt an active attitude towards drawing on overseas fund to make up for domestic fund shortage.
- 该银行在全国各地均有分行。The bank has branches all over the country.
- 该银行在全国各地设有分行.The bank has branches in all parts of the country.
- 海外贸易carrying trade
- 限制境外银行分行数目的原意,是避免零售银行市场竞争过于激烈。The original intention of imposing a branching restriction on foreign banks was to avoid over-crowding in the retail banking market.
- 该银行已决定关闭洛杉矶分行。The bank has decided to close its Los Angeles branch.
- 这个公司不得不动用其海外投资款项来应付其国内的财政危机。The company had to dip into its investments overseas to meet its financial crisis at home.
- 分行公路divided highway
- 他决定到海外留学。He resolved on going abroad to study.
- 该银行在全国各地设有分行。The bank has branches in all parts of the country.