- 海关对来料可予免检.The supplied materials may (not) be exampted from customs examination.
- 运送航天器、设备和技术资料的飞机及其货物通过中国海关时可予免检,且在中国境内不受检查。The aircraft carrying the spacecraft,equipment,and technical data,as well as its cargo,can pass through Customs in the People's Republic of China without inspection,and will not be subject to inspection while in the People's Republic of China.
- 对来料的检验覆盖率是否高?Does the incoming have good test and inspection coverage?
- 老师把学生分成一对一对来做这个练习。The teacher paired the students off for the exercise.
- 对来料的品质测试报告进行检查。Reviews incoming Certificate of Conformance test reports for raw materials received.
- 生产工艺对NTC热敏电阻粉料可重复性的影响Effect of Manufacturing Process on Reproducibility of Ceramic Powder for NTC Thermistor
- 海关对光碟制造厂实施严格管制,以防厂方从事盗版活动。The department maintains stringent control on all optical disc factories to prevent them from engaging in copyright piracy activities.
- 对来料检验没有明确系统化进行.0 Incoming materials inspection is not performed systematically.
- 现时,海关对光碟制造厂实施严厉的管制,以防止不法之徒从事盗版活动。The department now holds stringent control on all optical disc factories to prevent them from engaging in copyright piracy activities.
- 这包汤料可供两人用.This packet of soup serves two.
- 用来be used for
- 结论是虽然有些地方可予改善,但现行计划基本上运作良好。It concluded that the current scheme was fundamentally sound although it has pointed out areas where improvements could be made.
- 代理人寻租行为的博弈分析--以海关对免税企业的监管为例Game Analysis of the Seeking Rent by Agents --Cases of Supervision to Duty- free Enterprises by Customs
- 浅谈乒乓球运动员对来球的判断A Talk about the Judgement of Ball Coming of Table Tennis Players
- 这段丝绸料可做成一件漂亮的女服。The silk material will make up into a beautiful dress.
- 简而言之,用于微软视窗操作系统的软磁碟可予接纳。In simple terms, floppy diskettes used in the Microsoft Windows operating system environment will be accepted.
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?""But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 海关对生产企业结转的上述货物按本办法第三章的规定办理。With respect to the aforesaid goods carried over by the production enterprise, the Customs shall handle the matter in accordance with the provisions in Chapter III of these Measures.
- 前后送料可倾式冲床open-back inclinable press
- 对来西藏贸易的尼泊尔、克什米尔商人要进行登记,造具名册,呈报驻藏大臣备案,由负责官员签发路证。Merchants from Nepal and Kashmir wanting to do business in Tibet must register. The registration book must be filled by the high commissioners for record. The appropriate officials will issue laissez-passers to them.