- 浴佛诞节Buddha Bathing festival
- 会be able to
- 浴佛典礼Bathing of the Buddha Ceremony
- 每年的四月初八,寺院里总要举行大型佛会。A large Buddhist meeting is organized in the temple every eighth day of the fourth lunar month.
- 不会unlikely
- 开车上班时碰到了粗暴的驾驶行为,佛会怎么处理呢?When driving to work, what would he do about road rage?
- 会话conversation
- 浴bath
- 在参与浴佛供花等传统卫塞活动的同时,佛教南传、汉传和藏传三乘法师的代表共同为您带来和谐幸福、富足如意的祝福。The public is welcome to receive auspicious blessings from Venerables from the three traditions ? Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana, dedicating peace and harmony to humanity.
- 都会metropolis
- 将会will, going to
- 卫浴bathroom
- 会所chamber
- 浴袍bathrobe
- 展会exhibition
- 足浴lavipeditum
- 佛跳墙Fotiaoqiang--Steamed Abalone with Shark’s Fin and Fish Maw in Broth (Lured by its delicious aroma even the Buddha jumped over the wall to eat this dish.)
- 就会will
- 水浴water bath
- 会有have