- 随着城市生活节奏加快,人际交往变得浮于表面、感脆弱。As the pace of life In the city speeds up, human communication becomes superficial and tenuous.
- 于at
- 浮于脑海shoot across one's mind
- 表面outside
- 人浮于食have more hands than needed
- 表面的ostensible
- 致力于commit oneself to
- 浮to float
- 表面上on the surface
- 言浮于行Words float above practice; speak above one's abilities
- 表面处理superficial treatment
- 倾向于be inclined to
- 相对于relative to
- 表面活性剂surface active agent
- 不同于be differ from
- 习惯于be conditioned to
- 来自于be from
- 收于close at
- 归功于owe
- 类似于similarly