- 他们挚爱中医,立志济世活人;均受业于名师,熟读经典;融会古今,各有心悟;望闻问切,莫不精通;理法方药,了然于胸;或善用经方,或独辟蹊径;屡起沉疴于危难,素为后学所景仰。They love the traditional chinese medicin e sincerely, and aspire to devote their life to save people.
- 王员外:哈哈。这些书你都涉猎过了,那为什么不去学医道呢?那可是济世活人的好事啊。W: Have you read all this books? Why don't you learn to be a doctor? To be a doctor can save many lives.
- 行医济世practise medicine to save people
- 救国济世building up national power
- 济世理想ideal of saving the world
- 旧时宰杀活人祭雷神。Human victims were immolating to the Thunderer.
- 补天济世patch the earth and help the people
- 我只是想看见个活人。I just want to see another human face.
- 上世previous generation
- “不不,不要咒他死,要找到活人!"No, not rot him. FIND him!
- 三世sansei
- 将来必从彼处降临,审判活人死人。From thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead.
- 强国济世strengthen the nation and assist the world
- 对教会来说,没有一种异端或哲学比一个大活人更可恶了。There is no heresy or no philosophy which is so abhorrent to the church as a human being.
- 相信活人可以通过灵媒和死人沟通的一种信仰the belief that the spirits of dead people can communicate with people who are still alive (especially via a medium)
- 共济mutual aid
- 避世retire from the world; withdraw from society
- 解决该问题的第一步措施是将活人动作摄影的成本削减6亿美元。First step: a plan to cut live-action-film costs by %24600 million.
- 父亲宽严并济。Father alternates kindness with severity.
- 旷世outstanding; unequalled in one's time; unrivalled; unique