- 由“三味线”演奏的音乐。“三味线”是一种只有三根弦的弹拨乐器。“歌舞伎”和“文乐木偶戏”的伴奏也是用“三味线”。Music played with the instrument Shamisen , a kind of guitar with only three strings. Kabuki and Bunraku performances are accompanied by the shamisen.
- 津轻海峡tsugaru
- 线thread
- 在线in-line
- 日本北海道西南部一城市,位于津轻海峡边。1854年,这个城市优良的海港第一次对外国商人开放。人口319,190。A city of southwest Hokkaido,Japan,on Tsugaru Strait. Its excellent harbor was first opened to foreign traders in 1854. Population 319,190.
- 三年three years
- 函馆日本北海道西南部一城市,位于津轻海峡边。1854年,这个城市优良的海港第一次对外国商人开放。人口319,1900A city of southwest Hokkaido, Japan, on Tsugaru Strait. Its excellent harbor was first opened to foreign traders in1854. Population,319, 190.
- 三角(n) a triangle
- 轻light
- 三级third class
- 上线be online
- 津Tianjin
- 一味blindly
- 离线off-line
- 三国Three Kingdoms
- 线的linear
- 三个月trimester
- 在可以展望大海的落地窗的展望温泉里,白天您可以眺望津轻海峡和函馆山的爽快的风景,夜晚您可以俯瞰附近点点渔火灯光。The wide windows of this bath face the open sea and overlook the dramatic landscape of the Tsugaru Straits and Mt. Hakodate in daytime, and nearby squid-fishing lamps at night.
- 周三Wednesday
- 一线a gleam of