- 客家大厨津城献艺The known chef shows skill in Tianjint
- 津城故里追寻晋商足迹Traces of Shanxi Merchants in Native Place of Tianjin
- 关于天津城域网建设的思考Consideration of the Developments of Tianjin Metropolitan Area Network
- 对天津城域光缆线路维护工作的讨论Discussion about Tianjin Local Area Optical Cable Lines Maintenance Work
- 在科茨沃尔德的东部座落着牛津城。这座历史名城建于公元912年。它是牛津大学的所在地,牛津大学是英语世界最古老的大学。In the eastern part of the Cotswolds lies Oxford. This historical city was founded in 912. It is home to the University of Oxford, the oldest university in the English-speaking world.