- 泰兰德掉入银松河.Tyrande falls into Silverpine river.
- 在战争时期,玛维觉得泰兰德更适合做医师,而不是领袖。In a time of war, Maiev felt that Tyrande would have made a far better medic than a leader.
- 鲍布掉入水中时,看起来很滑稽,我几禁不住笑出来。When Bob fell into the water,he looked funny and I could hardly keep a straightface..
- 泰most
- 相信我,我的兄弟,虽然我们有着居多不同,但你知道我是绝对不会伤害泰兰德的。Believe me, brother, despite all our differences, you know that I'll never lead Tyrande to harm.
- 掉to drop
- 它的嘴里还留有冷杉树的残物--这是它掉入冰窟跌断脊柱之前的最后一餐。In his mouth were the remains of fir trees--the last meal that he had before he fell into the crevasse and broke his back.
- 入住be opened for occupancy
- 买入buying
- 登入log in
- 卖掉surplus
- 删掉expunge
- 放入interpose
- 否极泰来after rain comes the sunshine
- 脱掉strip off
- 接入switch-in
- 泰铢Thai Baht (B)
- 吃掉knock over
- 吸入to breathe in
- 掉下dropt