- 网network
- 泛在ubiquitous
- 它在网际网络上推出电子版之后,也已成为一份重要的区域报纸。It has also become an important regional newspaper through the reach of its Internet edition.
- 泛在智能ambient intelligence
- 网迷network fan
- 泛在网络ubiquitous network
- 编织,钩编:用一种钩子把毛线穿织在网形粗布上制成(地毯)To make (a rug) by looping yarn through canvas with a type of hook.
- 泛pan-
- 内网Intranet
- 泛在学习Ubiquitous Learning
- 电脑网computer network
- 网的retiary
- 泛在计算ubiquitous computing
- 网关gateway
- 泛在接入ubiquitous access
- 网线reticle
- 搜索网dragnet
- 泛在环境ubiquitous computing
- 网管network management
- 网速wire speed