- 把没用过的杯盘拿走。Put away the unused plates and cups.
- 没用过大麻的人persons naive to marijuana
- 过(surname)
- 没not
- 常用in common usage
- 可用do
- 光妍活肤滋养眼霜我没用过,Light Source Age-Resisting Eye Creme
- 不用need not
- 据我所知,她从没用过计算机。As far as I know, she has never used the computer.
- 没用useless
- 用过的second-hand
- 没用的笨蛋a worthless fool
- 仓库保管员每天把用过的器材收回登记。The store keeper checks in the equipment used every day.
- 架子上有一只搁着没用的脸盆。There is a basin at liberty on the shelf.
- 已经用过的商品distressed merchandise.
- 对我唠叨可没用。It is no use to sermon me.
- 别把那些用过的书丢掉。Don't cast away the used books.
- 哇啦哇啦地谈了一通没用的建议spout un-wanted advice
- 未用过的糖可以倒回罐内。Any unused sugar can be poured back into the tin.
- 她把钱浪费在购买那种没用的玩意上,真是愚蠢。It was simple of her to waste her money on such trifles.