- 没有一个国家毁于贸易.No nation was ever ruined by trade.
- 没有hasn't
- 说到葡萄酒没有一个国家能比得上法国。Forwine no country can match France.
- 查找下一个find next
- 没有一个国家对财富显示如此绝对的敬意。There is no country in which so absolute a homage is paid to wealth.
- 花毁于霜冻。Flowers perish in frost.
- 没有一个neither one
- 转口贸易,中转贸易一个国家的再出口贸易。Entrep? T trade The re-export trade of a country.
- 当一个国家的出口量大于进口量时,称作贸易顺差。When countries export more than they import,they are said to have a favorable balance of trade.
- 两个男孩子中没有一个地理考试及格。Neither of the two boys has passed the geography examination.
- 所有这些小国被统一成一个国家。All these small states were unified into one nation.
- 没有一个(人)never a one
- 使一个国家陷入战争plunge a country into war
- 没有一个求婚者能拉得动尤利西斯的弓。None of the suitors could bend the bow of Ulysses.
- 拒绝移民进入一个国家exclude immigrants from a country
- 没有一个人真正了解自己,正如每棵树都仰仗于所在的土地。There is no one but do not actually know who himself is; just as there is no tree but root into the earth.
- 颠覆一个国家to subvert a state
- 当你发现自己身处困境时,还没有一个人会不愿伸出援助之手的。There is nobody here who won't lend you a helping hand when you find yourself in difficulty.
- 使一个国家突然陷入危机precipitate a country into a crisis
- “再没有一个病人会这样温柔和听话了”(亨利·金斯利)。"A more gentle and biddable invalid... Can hardly be conceived" (Henry Kingsley).