- 没提到她的贡献.There was no mention of her contribution.
- 没提到她的贡献。There was no mention of her contribution.
- 我提到她故世的母亲时,她便哭了起来,我怕是我触到了她的伤心处。I'm afraid I hit a nerve when I mentioned her dead mother, ad she began to cry.
- 将军没提到他对这次战役所做的贡献。The general slurred over his contribution to the campaign.
- 你可以在他的自传中找找,你会发现他根本没提到他的第一位到妻子。You can search through his autobiography without finding a single reference to his first wife.
- 她没提到她母亲没来。She did not mention her mother's absence.
- 爬这么长的楼梯到她的办公室去,真让我上气不接下气。Climbing up the long staircase to her office quite puffed me out.
- 他根本没提她的工作。He made no mention of her work.
- 你所提到的那个人3年前离家外出,从此就没有他的消息了。The man you speak of went abroad three years ago and no news of him has since come.
- 我隐约感受到她的感情。I had a glimpse of her feeling.
- 她把一发生的事都记到她的日记上了。She entered all the events of the day in her diary.
- 这还没提到加密解密和改变恶意代码形态所需要的能力。And this has not even touched the capabilities needed to encrypt, decrypt, and morph the malicious code.
- 她觉察到她的机会。She awoke to her opportunity.
- 关于那份合同几乎什么也没提到。There was scarcely anything mentioned about that contract.
- 这么长的时间过去了,她当然不能使她的未婚夫回到她身边。Surely she won't have her fiance back after such a long time.
- 还有一件重要的细节你没提到。There is one important circumstance you have not mentioned.
- 她正抱着一个用小毛毯裹着的婴儿。她的长长的褐色头发一直遮到她的眼睛。She was carrying an infant in a tiny blanket, and the woman's long brown hair kept getting in her eyes.
- 遗漏没提到To fail to mention.
- 你必须考虑到她的年龄;裁判考虑到罪犯的年轻于是慈。You must consider her age; The judge considered the offender's youth and was lenient.
- 它是翻译本的这个事实,书任何地方都没提到。The fact that it is a translation is not mentioned anywhere in it.