- 该方案的设计是为了让主权基金更加透明化。It is devising a scheme to make them more transparent.
- 另一种选项是只有一家机构,科威特投资局(kuwait Investment Authority)便是如此。该机构已成为主权基金中最佳行为的楷模。The alternative is to have a single agency, as is the case with the Kuwait Investment Authority, currently a role model for best practice among sovereign funds.
- 主权sovereignty
- 国家主权national sovereignty
- 许多人为救灾基金慷慨解囊。Many people subscribed liberally to the relief fund.
- 主权国家sovereignty
- 沙特大堂Chartres Cathedral
- 他向救济基金捐赠巨资。He subscribed a large sum to the relief fund.
- 塔拉勒·本·阿卜杜勒·阿齐兹·沙特AL SAUD, Talal bin Abdul Azi
- 他对一项基金的捐款his subscription to a fund
- 中国的领土和主权绝不允许任何人侵犯。We will never allow anybody to encroach upon China's territorial integrity and sovereignty.
- 经管一项信托基金administer a trust fund
- 两个邻国声称对近海岛屿拥有主权。Two neighbouring state claim sovereignty over the offshore island.
- 他在研究员基金资助下出了国。He went abroad on a fellowship.
- 它的邻国要求对该岛拥有主权。It's neighboring country demanded sovereignty over the island.
- 多渠道筹集和积累社会保障基金。We should try various channels to raise and accumulate social security funds.
- 那会计盗用了协会的基金.The treasurer misappropriated the society's funds.
- 领土主权territorial sovereignty
- 烃基金属metallic alkide