- 客visitor
- 访客caller
- 客服customer service
- 播客blog
- 来客(n) guest
- 请在沙发上坐。Please sit on the sofa.
- 上客load
- 这只沙发开始显得破旧了。This sofa is showing signs of wear.
- 必胜客Pizza hut
- 她懒洋洋地躺在沙发上,无事可做。She was lolling on a sofa, with nothing to do.
- 制作沙发套to tailor slipcovers
- 说客a persuasive talker
- 他躺在沙发上看杂志。He reclined on the sofa reading a magazine.
- 客服部Customer Service Department
- 这张沙发可改变成床。This sofa is convertible into a bed.
- 客服人员contact staff
- 沙发上传来伤心的呜咽声:"那我呢?"There was a plaintive wail from the sofa: "What about me?"
- 大客bus
- 我就睡在沙发上。I'll bed down on the sofa.
- 皮条客pimp