- 冲锋枪, 卡宾枪a machine carbine
- 轻冲锋枪fusil d'assaut leger
- [美口]冲锋枪tommy gun
- [美军俚]手提冲锋枪burp gun
- 汤普森先生摇了摇头。Mr. Thompson shook his head.
- 冲锋枪何如剪草机Kalashnikov Wishes He'd Invented a Lawnmower
- 昨天你看到汤普森先生了吗?Did you see Mr. Thompson yesterday?
- 八五式轻型冲锋枪Light Submachine Gun 85
- 难道说老汤普森还健在!You don't mean to say that old Thompson is still kicking around!
- 一种全自动手枪;一种小型的手提冲锋枪。a fully automatic pistol; a small submachine gun.
- 人们欢声雷动,汤普森在空中挥动着拳头,在场内跳跃。Thompson pumped his fist in the air and danced on the infield as the crowd roared
- 用自己的冲锋枪完成一关!Complete a mission by firing only assault rifles. Melee attacks don't count.
- 汤普森环Thompson's circles
- 用德国老的冲锋枪完成一关!Complete a mission by firing only German weapons. Melee attacks don't count.
- 汤普森测斜仪Thompson clinometer
- 一个敌人用冲锋枪开了火,打破了一片寂静。The silence was shattered when one of the enemy loosed off with a submachine gun.
- 我不那么相信汤普森先生。I don't put much faith in Mister Thompson.
- 用冲锋枪把敌人从躲藏处赶出来smoke the enemy out with tommy gun
- 詹妮·汤普森在高低杠上的单臂大回环简直是一个杰作。Jenney Thompson's giant circle with one arm on the uneven Bars is rated as a masterpiece.
- 某冲锋枪自动机多参数匹配研究Study on Multi-Parameter Matching Method of Automatic Mechanism