- 汇率浮动的英镑the floating pound
- 然而,现在允许货币汇率浮动;也就是说,它的价值由它在公开市场上的价格所决定。Now, however, the currencies have been allowed to float; that is, their value is determined by the price they bring on the open market.
- 这个政府让卢布的汇率浮动了几个月。The government floated the ruble for a few months.
- 货币money
- 我们的货币政策,也是发展生产与对敌斗争的重要武器。Our monetary policy is also an important weapon in developing production and fighting the enemy.
- 您是不是怕由于汇率浮动而吃亏Are you afraid of losing money due to exchange rate fluctuations?
- 货币政策monetary policy
- 人民币汇率浮动对电池业的影响The influence of new exchange rate mechanism of the yuan on battery makers
- 浮动(v) float and drift
- 对于特殊地区的站点设置必须以国家相应的货币提出定价。A site set up for a particular geography must present pricing in the currency appropriate for the corresponding country.
- 大部分的这种存款利率固定,且没有利率的限制; 但也有一部分存单的利率是可以浮动的。The majority of these are fixed rate, with no rate limit, and there exist some variable-rate CDs.
- 货币银行学money and banking
- 国际货币international currency
- 它与布雷顿森林体制相似,但允许更为巨大的汇率浮动空间。This agreement was similar to the Bretton Woods Accord, but allowed a greater range of fluctuation in the currency values.
- 随技术高低而浮动的工资wages that vary with skill
- 美国的货币单位是"元"。The monetary unit in the US is the dollar.
- 为了使肩部稳定并防止在面料上出现分界线,有必要做一个浮动的肩垫。It is necessary to create a floating shoulder piece to provide stability in the shoulder area and prevent demarcation on the fabric.
- 说,印度的货币供应增长是外部输入的,而不是国内形成的。But Suman Bery, head of the National Council of Applied Economic Research, says India's money supply growth was imported rather than domestically generated.
- 如果任务窗格为水平停靠或是浮动的,则可以更改它的高度。You can change the height of the task pane if it is docked horizontally or is floating.
- 平价兑换的货币currency that exchanges at par