- 使气体或水蒸气转化成液体。cause a gas or vapor to change into a liquid.
- 使气体或水蒸气转化成液体cause a gas or vapor to change into a liquid
- 转化transform
- 转化为translate into
- 水蒸气vapor
- 转化的invert
- 生物转化biotransformation
- 水蒸气蒸馏wet distillation
- 转化糖invert sugar
- 水蒸气凝聚成水滴。The steam condenseed into waterdrops.
- 科技成果转化the commercialization of research findings
- 饱和水蒸气saturated steam
- 转化成change
- 使植物发散出水蒸气。exude water vapor; of plants.
- (使)逐渐转化gradate
- 水受热变成水蒸气。Heat evaporates water into steam.
- 水蒸气把浴室里的镜子遮住了。Steam has fogged the bathroom mirror.
- 转化器converter(-tor)
- 窗户蒙上水蒸气,已变得模糊不清了。The window has clouded over in the steam.
- 嬗变通过一次或一系列核反应把一种元素转化为另一种元素Transformation of one element into another by one or a series of nuclear reactions.