- 氧化铝膜处理法alunite
- 硬质氧化铝膜处理法Hardas process
- 膜(n) membrane; film
- 金属工业:氧化铝膜处理设备;线材拉伸、钢铁轧制中除油及酸洗;车辆喷漆前除油及酸洗处理;氧化钛、稀土元素的生产等。Electrical appliance industry: the production of electrochemical capacitor (erosion of aluminum film); transportation of electrolyte in the production of dry cells and storage cells; etching of circuit boards; transportation of high purity chemical liquids in the production of semiconductors.
- 数据处理data processing
- 面膜facial mask
- 未处理的unsettled
- 微孔阳极氧化铝膜的制备及膜的耐蚀性研究Preparation and anticorrosion ability study of anodizing aluminum separated membrane
- 结合陶瓷微滤膜处理高硬度深井水的研究Study on the application of ceramic membrane to the treatment of highly hard water from deep wells
- 阳极氧化法制备纳米级多孔氧化铝膜的研究Study of Nano-porous Alumina Membrane Made by Anodization
- 膜处理membrane treatment
- 氧化铝膜pellumina
- 涂膜处理chitosan coating
- 草酸中纳米孔阵列阳极氧化铝膜的一步法制备及其形貌表征One-step preparation and morphology characterization of anodic alumina membrane with nanopore arrays in oxalic acid solution
- 卵膜处理egg membrane treatment
- 杂多酸在阳极氧化铝膜/玻碳电极上电化学性质及应用研究Study of Polyoxometalates on Anodic Aluminum Oxide/glass Carbon Electrode Electrochemical Properties and Application
- 揭膜处理mulching treatment
- 多孔有序阳极氧化铝膜的形成更符合“电场支持下的溶解”模型。The formation and evolution process of the AAO accords with the model of electric fuleld dissolution.
- 厚膜处理[电] thick film process
- 阳极氧化铝膜anodic alumina membrane