- 世界气候组织和他的188个成员国家正在努力建立一个极端气候预警平台。The WMO and its 188 member states are working to set up an early warning system for extreme weather events.
- 组织organization
- 联合国气候组织改变了他们关于在未来的三十年内喜马拉雅山将有八分之一的冰川消融的预测。A UN commission on climate change predicts the Himalayan Mountains will lose eighty percent of their glaciers in thirty years to come.
- 联合国气候组织声明它正在与伙伴合作建立一个提前预报极端天气的系统。它也创建了一个监测气候变化影响的长期跟踪系统。The UN weather agency says it is working with its partners to establish an early warning system for climate extremes.
- 气候situation
- 组织的organizational
- 组织能力organizing capacity
- 气候变化climatic change
- 组织结构weave construction
- 全球气候global climate
- 组织机构organization
- 全球气候变暖global warming
- 组织行为学organization behavioristics
- 海洋性气候sea air
- 组织委员commissary in charge of organization
- 气候条件climatic conditions
- 组织架构organizational structure
- 气候温和having a moderate climate
- 世界卫生组织World Health Organization
- 地中海气候Mediterranean climate