- 我们在昨夜的毕业舞会上全醉倒了。We all got wasted at the graduation party last night.
- 因为暴风雪的来袭,毕业舞会完全失败The graduation party is a washout because of the big storm.
- 舞会ball
- 毕业舞会在哪里举行?Where is the senior prom going to be?
- 化妆舞会masquerade
- 我不敢相信在毕业舞会的前一天,我长了这么大一颗青春痘。I can't believe I got this urge zit the day before the prom.
- 化装舞会fancy ball
- 毕业后他去了国外。After graduation he went abroad.
- 你打算大学毕业后做什么?What do you plan to do after college?
- 所有客人都戴假面具参加舞会。All guests wore masks to the ball.
- 你毕业后想干什么?What do you want to do after graduation?
- 我可以一个月不去上课还照样毕业。I could skip every lecture for a month and still graduate.
- 埃尔顿先生在一次舞会上对她的粗鲁无礼更促成了她的醒悟。Her recovery was aided by Mr. Elton's rudeness to her at a ball.
- 人们普遍认为高校是不可能在毕业的时候教会他们的学生所有知识的。It is commonly accepted that no college or university can educate its students by the time they graduate.
- 舞会开始很沉闷,直到史密斯表演击鼓后气氛才活跃起来。The party was very dull until Smith jazzed it up with his drums.
- 毕业考试前夕他紧张得几乎疯了。He worked himself up into a frenzy before his graduation exams.
- 我们伴护女士们去参加舞会。We beaued the ladies to the dance party.
- 学校的教务长担任毕业典礼的司仪。The dean of the school act as marshal of graduation ceremony.
- 高中大专毕业舞会prom
- 朱丽娅大学毕业后就到外交部门工作了。Julia joined the diplomatic service after her graduation from the university.