- 考研英语范文:职位性别比例表格图。The bar chart compares the proportion of employees of both g.
- 预算由大会按专门比例表作为专项摊派,这一比例表参照了经常预算的分摊比例。These are assessed separately by the General Assembly,according to a special scale based on that used for the regular budget.
- 对立色表色法:是CIE系统内的一种等色比例表色法之一。用L,a,b三个英文字母表达颜色三要素的量度数值。L:代表明度;正a代表红的程度,Opponent colours system: One of the colour measuring systems using the uniform colour scales by CIE. The symbols L, a, b are used to designate measured values of the three elements of colour. L represents lightness; a represents redness when plus
- 在维和预算摊派比例表中,安全理事会五个有权否决理事会决定的常任理事国的分摊额较高;大会强调指出,这五个常任理事国对维持和平行动负有“特殊责任”。The scale provides for a higher assessment on the five permanent members of the Security Council,which hold the power to veto Council decisions and,as stressed by the Assembly,have
- 在维和预算摊派比例表中,安全理事会五个有权 否决理事会决定的常任理事国的分摊额较高; 大会强调指出,这五个常任理事国对维持和平行动负有“特殊责任”。The scale provides for a higher assessment on the five permanent members of the Security Council, which hold the power to veto Council decisions and, as stressed by the Assembly, have "special responsibilities" towards peacekeeping operations.