- 报告report
- 比ratio
- 支付比例报告将会在华东在线赌城网站上公布,所以您可以确信游戏是公平和诚实的。The payout percentage report is displayedat HuaDong Casino web site, so that you can be sure that the games are fair and honest.
- 比值比odds ratio
- C677T位点T等位基因的比值比(OR)为1.74(95%Cl 1.06-2.86)和T833CThe odds ratios (OR) of the T allele in MTHFR C677Tand the C allele in CBS T333C were 1.74 (95%25C1 1.06-2.86) and l. 73(95%25CI
- 报告的informational
- 比值ratio
- 研究报告research report
- 性价比performance price ratio
- 调查报告memoir, report
- 科比Bryant
- 报告书proces-verbal
- 不比unlike
- 开题报告opening speech; opening report
- 配比mixture ratio
- 财务报告financial report
- 环比link relative ratio
- 报告人speaker
- 可比comparable
- 在病例对照研究中,是否可用暴露比值比(EOR)作为CIR或IDR的无偏估计,取决于抽样方法和疾病率高低。It depends upon the sampling methods and the size of the disease rate whether exposure odds ratio (EOR) in case-control studies can be used to estimate the CIR or IDR.