- 这些场馆,将充分考虑残疾人奥运会的需要,实施无障碍设计。These venues will be designed to be fully accessible for the people with disabilities.
- 这几天的残疾人奥运会也挺激动人心的。The Paralympics,which is going on these days,is really exciting.
- 湖南一残疾人奥运会运动员街头卖奖牌Hunan, a Paralympic Games athletes street selling medals
- 奥运会Olympic Games
- 残疾人handicapped
- 中国积极争取残疾人奥运会的主办权。China is actively bidding for the right to host the Paralympic Games.
- 他有一个大家庭要抚养。He has a large family to feed.
- 1960年在意大利罗马举行了第一届夏季残疾人奥运会。The first Summer Paralympics were held in Rome, Italy in 1960.
- 所有大家庭的成员都会聚集一堂,远在他乡的也会尽量赶回来。Even the absentee members would endeavour to return home in time for it.
- 我的家是个大家庭。My family is large.
- 北京奥运会Beijing Olympic Games
- 大家庭里的主管或仆役长。the chief steward or butler of a great household.
- 2008夏季奥运会2008 summer Olympics
- 残疾人特奥会The Special Olympic Games for the disabled
- 他们的大家庭去年解体了。Their big family dissolved last year.
- 乌龙大家庭Wu long da jia ting
- 奥运会开幕式Opening Ceremony of the Games
- 这篇文章突出报导了残疾人的困难。The article spotlights the difficulties of the handicapped.
- 奥运会是举世瞩目的体育比赛。The Olympic Games commands the attention of the world.
- 残疾人坐的轮椅an invalid chair