- 你的演出给我们留下了深刻的印象。我们不知道你竟有一副这么美妙的女高音噪子!We were both quite impressed. We had no idea you had such a beautiful soprano voice!
- 死气沉沉的演出.a lifeless performance
- 演出perform
- 死气沉沉的聚会a dead party
- 他在钢琴前坐下,完全凭记忆作了一次非常精彩的演出。He sat down at the piano and gave a magnificent performance,playing completely by ear.
- 如果没有足够的新鲜感,任何长时间维持的夫妻关系都会死气沉沉的。Without sufficient stimulation, any long-term relationship will grow stale.
- 那位歌手签了为期两周的演出合同。The singer signed a contract for a two-week engagement.
- 她不想再呆在这所死气沉沉的城市里。She doesn’t want to poke around in that city any longer.
- 他走之后,会议就变得死气沉沉的了。When he left,the meeting stagnated.
- 对于临近的毕业盛典,还有毕业班的演出和舞会,我变得一点都没兴趣。I became completely uninterested in my upcoming graduation, the senior-class play and the prom.
- 会议开得死气沉沉的.The conference was deadly dull.
- 一场成功的演出可以赚一百万。A sock show can make a million.
- 他在舞台上死气沉沉的表演his lifeless performance on stage
- 精彩的演出a masterful performance
- 可是他那样聪明人,怎么能在这样一个死气沉沉的小地方,长远呆下去哪!But he was too clever to bide here any longer-a small sleepy place like this!
- 新的演出获得成功。The new show is a riot.
- 涂有灰暗的、 死气沉沉的颜色painted in pale, insipid colours
- 那三姊妹的演出非常成功。The three sisters' show was a sock.
- 看上去令人兴奋的/死气沉沉的visually exciting/dull
- 无可挑剔的演出a performance which could not be faulted