- 庭court
- 中庭courtyard
- 后庭backyard
- 警方决定调查他的死因。The police decided to enquire into the cause of his death.
- 死因未详的裁决Open verdict
- 仲裁庭arbitral court; arbitration court; arbitral tribunal
- 警方将调查他的死因。The police will inquire into the cause of his death.
- 庭外和解imparlance
- 对姑娘死因的说法相互矛盾。There are conflicting versions of the girl's death.
- 这个囚犯受到了惩罚,因为他藐视法庭,在庭上拒绝回答提问。The prisoner was punished because his refusal to answer had set the court as defiance.
- 警方现已展开调查,死因裁判官亦获知会。The Police have launched their enquiries and the Coroner has been notified.
- 仲裁庭已宣布同意撤销原判决。The court has announce the award to meet causation.
- 研讯死因make an enquiry of the cause of death
- 我要求你对本庭说实话。I adjure you to tell the truth before this court.
- 死因不明。No explainable cause of death.
- 如果他能使病人的死亡显得是正常死亡、人们也许不会注意到真正的死因。If he could pass off the death as occurring from natural causes, the true cause might not attract attention.
- 黎明即起,洒扫庭除。Rise at dawn and sweep the courtyard.
- 查明死因Find out the cause of death
- 犁庭扫穴plough up the courtyard and destroy the hide-outs; annihilate the enemy
- 死因谱death chart