- 哎呀,她拍得可真猛,随着拍打,她那歪歪拧拧的裙子就摇来摆去。She does whack it, by George.The way her crooked skirt swings at each whack
- 接着是一只歪歪拧拧地套在长袜上的灰色袜带。袜底皱皱巴巴,磨得发亮。Then, a twisted grey garter looped round a stocking: rumpled, shiny sole.
- 下面是歪歪拧拧的数字,末尾是弯弯曲曲的签名,带圈儿的笔划填得满满当当,另外还有一团墨水渍。Beneath were sloping figures and at the foot a crooked signature with blind loops and a blot
- 没有花草可浇灌,他很想整理一下那棵枣树,可是他晓得枣树是多么任性,歪歪拧拧的不受调理,所以也就不便动手。With no flowers to water he was tempted to prune the date tree; but knowing the stubborn propensity of date trees to grow gnarled and crooked, he refrained.
- 这椅子歪歪倒倒。This chair is rather rickety.
- 拧wring
- 拧紧screw down
- 为什么人人都在唧唧歪歪?Why Everyone's Talking About Twitter?
- 他那歪歪倒倒写的也算是字?Does he call that scribble handwriting?
- 拧开turn ... on
- 它只需小小的调整而已:这里拧拧某个螺钉,那里上紧些,滴上一滴润滑油,这样它就和新的一样了。It only needed a minor adjustment: a turn of a screw here,a little tightening up there,a drop of oil and it would be as good as new.
- 如果没有那就是引擎装的有点歪歪的。If it does not the engine is hanging in a bit crooked.
- 拧松unscrew
- 5-8秒。男女爽歪歪时每次收缩间隙均为0.8秒。5-8 Seconds. Orgasmic contractions in both sexes occur at intervals of 0.8 Seconds.
- 我把湿游泳衣的水拧出来。I wrung water from my wet bathing suit.
- 卡车突然歪向一边。The truck lurched sideways.
- 这个螺栓已经坏了,不能拧紧了,但是我还未买来新的之前暂时再用一下。The bolt is worn and not an exact fit but it will serve its turn until I can buy a new one.
- 他的脸因为恐惧而扭歪着。His face was screwed up with fear.
- 拧下unscrewing
- 墙上的油画有些歪。The painting on the wall is a bit crooked.