- "你不听我的话,反叫这些人教的歪心邪意,狐媚子霸道的.""But instead of doing as I say, you let other people warp your mind and teach you these sneaky ways. "
- 歪askew
- 忍心(v) be emotionally willing to do sth
- 心动aroused in interest
- 引狼入室bring in a troublemaker
- 变心cease to be faithful
- 歪的skew
- 不开心bile
- 天狼Sirius
- 心如刀割grief-stricken
- 鬼哭狼嚎let loose cries and scream
- 狼烟rocket
- 回心转意change one's mind
- 母狼bitch
- 心内的endocardiac
- 灰狼lobo
- 随心follow one's inclinations
- 猎人不时能听见某只看不见的小林狼发出的拖长的哀嚎。Now and again the hunter can hear a long-draw dolorous whine of some unseen coyote.
- 心率cardiac rate
- 心痛的aching