- 正在in the process of (doing something or happening)
- 选择to select
- 正选择direct selection
- 标记mark
- 正Chinese 1st month of year
- 选择提升的地球正选择去移出遗忘。Earth in her choice to ascend is choosing to move out of forgetfulness.
- 选择标记可去除的植物高效表达载体的构建Construction of Selectable Marker-removable Plant Expression Vectors
- 用两种方法计算了GAGE各拷贝间的Ka/Ks值,结果为显著大于1,表明该基因家族受到正选择作用。The Ka/Ks value of the duplicates was significantly greater than 1, indicating that GAGE family is under positive selection.
- 段落标记paragraph marks
- 选择的selective
- 正本original
- 正如be just like
- 逐级选择标记step strobe marker
- 正交orthogonality
- 正的plus
- 可选择的optional
- 不正roguery
- 选择标记selected marker
- 正大honest; upright; aboveboard
- 选择声音select a sound