- 正时链条timing chain
- 为了提高国产正时链条的性能,研究了05BT-1汽车发动机正时链的磨损失效机理以及销轴、套筒和滚子等元件摩擦表面的磨损形貌特征.The paper studied the fault mechanism of the automotive engine timing chain as well as the worn surface morphology of the rubbing pair of bush and pin and roller based on the analysis of test.
- 正在in the process of (doing something or happening)
- 正Chinese 1st month of year
- 8速链条对于9速前拨来说太宽了;在进行“交叉变速”时链条会产生摩擦(大/中齿盘对大飞轮)。The 8-speed chain is too wide for 9 speed front derailleur; the chain will rub during cross shifting (large/mid ring/large cog).
- 正时齿轮室盖timing gear cover
- 油底壳与正时齿轮盖油封Oil pan timing case cover seal
- 正时right time
- 机油会从正时齿轮盖和后主轴承油封处压出。Oil may be forced out through the timing cover and rear-main bearing oil seals.
- 新闻提要每到半小时正时作一次广播。The news headlines are broadcast on the half hour.
- 正时皮带timing belt
- 发动机链条正时系统engine chain time system
- 安装正时链、曲轴链轮和凸轮轴链轮,使正时标记对齐。Install the timing chain, crankshaft sprocket and camshaft sprocket with the timing marks aligne
- 正时箱盖对齐和油封安装工具6139Timing Case Cover Alignment and Seal Installation Tool 6139
- 正时锤timing chain
- 正时环timing ring
- 正时链timing chain
- 正时图timing diagram
- 正时轴timing shaft
- 正时相positive phase