- 新会气候资料的正态分布检验及正态化处理Normality Test and the Normalization of the Climate Data in Xinhui
- 粤西降水量的分布特征及正态分布检验Characteristics of Rainfall Distribution in West Guangdong and its Normal Distribution Test
- 让我们来检验一下他的理论。Let us put his theories to the proof.
- 正态分布置信检验方法Confidence Test Method for Normal Distribution
- 这矿石经检验证明含金量高。This ore assays high in gold.
- 线-板式电除尘器场强正态分布模式假设及其检验Assumption and Verification of Normal Distribution Model of Electric Field in Wire-plate ESP
- 如果检验和复验的结果有出入该怎么办呢?What if the results from the inspection and the reinspection do not coincide with each other?
- 必须检验的to have to be probated
- 凭证检验Inspection of voucher
- 检验自己的力量to assay one's strength
- 尸体已被检验。The corpse has been posted.
- 生丝检验所a silk conditioning house
- 科学家靠实验检验理论。Scientists test out theories by experiment.
- 按标准检验光密度计to standardize a densitometer
- 金属宏观检验macroscopic structure inspection of metals
- 我们想检验一下样品。We want to inspect sample.
- 干货舱清洁检验Inspection on cleanliness of dry cargo hold
- 精确检验rigorous examination
- 用于检验条子及粗纱的条干均匀度。Used for testing the evenness of sliver and roving.
- 本品经卫生检验符合国家卫生标准。Our product has undergone national hygiene tests and has met the required standards.