



  1. 欧文无意回到他经过再三犹疑和反复斗争才最终抛弃了的那种生活中去。
    Ervin had no intention of going back to the life from which he had finally turned after so much indecision and struggle.
  2. 请向欧文夫妇致意,并告诉他们,我们不能同他们一起过周末,非常抱歉。
    Please remember us to the Owens, and tell them how sorry we are not to have been able to join them for the weekend.
  3. 我无论如何想象不出欧文会成为一个作家。
    By no stretch of the imagination can I see Owen as a writer.
  4. 喂?我是杰史逊欧文。
    Hello? This is Jackson Irving speaking.
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