- 亨利Henry
- 欧.亨利O.Henry
- 亨利第一天上班就迟到,一开始就给人留下了不好的印象。Henry got off on the wrong foot by being late on his first day at work.
- 欧·亨利O. Henry
- 在游欧期间,他花光了所有的钱。His money dwindle away to nothing while traveling in europe.
- 亨利眯起眼睛。Henry slit his eyes.
- 在欧美各国也意味着礼节。Kissing also signifies courtesy in every country of Europe and America.
- 亨利吹牛说他的自行车最快。Henry bragged that his bicycle was the fastest.
- 欧美佛教Buddhism in America and Europe
- 亨利八世The Famous History of the Life of King Henry VIII eighth
- 中欧裁军谈判Talks on Disarmament in Central Europe
- 亨利住在楼上。Henry lived upstairs.
- [美俚]欧打某人Sap up on sb.
- 亨利真心愿意与兄弟言归于好。Henry was sincere about reconciling with his brother.
- 欧茼蒿Chrysanthemum coronarium [crown daisy]
- 亨利是民权运动的斗士。Henry is a soldier in the civil-rights movement.
- 欧VEuro V
- 亨利·艾伦的妻子要他把垃圾扔掉,并给狗点儿东西吃。Henry Allen's wife asked him to dispose of the garbage and give the dog something to eat.
- 欧李名与实研究A Study of Name and Entity of Chinese Dwarf Cherry
- 亨利独立经商。Henry went into business on his own account.