- 沙丁鱼sardine
- 横杠whiffletree
- 横轴cross shaft
- 横的traverse
- 无量纲zero dimension
- 横条crossband
- 我们十几个人像沙丁鱼罐头一样挤成一团。The ten of us were squashed together like sardines in the tin.
- 横断transection
- 八纲辨证differentiation of eight principles
- 我买了一罐沙丁鱼。I bought a tin of sardines.
- 横着transversely
- 八纲eight guiding principles
- 横切transversely
- 纲举目张once the key link is grasped, everything falls into place
- 活沙丁鱼头比死鲑鱼尾好。It is better to be head of a live sardin than the tail of a dead trout.
- 横档transom
- 去骨沙丁鱼boneless sardines
- 百合纲Liliopsida
- 横纹transverse striation
- 哺乳动物纲Mammalia