- 横滨yokohama
- 一直往前走直到一座红砖楼为止Keep on going till you come to a red brick building.
- 丹东口岸首次向朝鲜出口红砖Dandong Port Exports Red Brick to DPRK for The First Time
- 这座大楼几乎完全由红砖建造而成。This building almost entirely constructed of red bricks.
- 他主动提出用卡车将货物运送到仓库去。He offered to truck the goods to the warehouse.
- 闽南红砖厝传统建筑材料艺术表现力研究The Artistic Expression Research of the Traditional Construction Material in the Red Brick House of Minnan
- 食品放在仓库里。Provisions were kept in the storehouse.
- 他远至横滨去迎接由英国来的朋友。He went as far as Yokohama to meet his friend from England.
- 这些箱子被堆放在一个仓库里。The boxes are stacked in a warehouse.
- 泉州红砖区自古文风昌盛,人文璀灿,传统建筑特色鲜明。In Quanzhou red brick area, the literary atmosphere is prosperous and the humanity is bright from ancient, and its traditional dwelling characteristic is fresh and clear.
- 一场大火严重地毁坏了仓库。A fire had severely damaged the warehouse.
- (非正式英国英语)在英国人们把成立时间不长的省立大学叫红砖大学;用以区别牛桥一词。(British informal) a provincial British university of recent founding; distinguished from Oxford and Cambridge Universities.
- 横滨港Port of Yokohama
- 像千千万万南方黑人一样,他听说北方有报酬高的活干,有红砖房Like thousands of Southern blacks, he had heard stories about those highpaying Northern jobs, those red brick Northern houses, ant at 22 decided to take his 19-year-old wife and their three children to the land where everything seemed possible.
- 那个看管仓库的人是很可靠的。The caretaker of the warehouse was trustworthy.
- 横滨鸡Yokohama chicken
- 火焰正吞卷仓库。The flames were licking the warehouse.
- 结构方面,雷生春的外墙为红砖身外加灰泥批荡;梁、柱则以钢筋混凝土制造。In terms of structure, the external walls of the building are made of plastered red brickwork with columns and beams of reinforced concrete.
- 横滨绉Yokohama crepe
- 仓库由一个退休的老工人管理。The storehouse is under the care of a retired worker.