- 横截面cross section
- 我们将调查这事。We will enquire into the matter.
- 横截面积cross-sectional area
- 我们必须调查此事。We must inquire into the matter.
- 警长命令对这一案件作彻底调查。The superintendent ordered a thorough investigation of the case.
- 总经理答应深入调查此事。The general manager promised to search into the matter.
- 彻底地调查事实后发现情况正好相反。An exhaustive investigation of the facts proves the contrary.
- 节疤这种突出物的横截面,呈圆形,比周围的地方要黑,常常出现在切割好的木材上The round, often darker cross section of such a lump as it appears on a piece of cut lumber.
- 这位部长命令要作详细调查。The minister decreed that there should be a full investigation.
- 不知何故调查延缓进行。The investigation was tabled for reasons unknown.
- 我们对这一事件作了周密的调查。We made a strict inquiry into the incident.
- 警方决定调查他的死因。The police decided to enquire into the cause of his death.
- 他不能客观公正地调查这一问题。He was unable to examine the issue with detachment.
- 那位侦探被派去调查该罪行。The detective was sent to investigate the crime.
- 他们对这一事件展开调查。They held an inquiry into the incident.
- 你的调查报告似乎假设太多了一些。Your investigation report seems to have too many ifs.
- 他们将调查他的背景。They will check into his background.
- 他开始调查火灾的原因,接着调查了三个星期。He started an inquiry into the causes of the fire, and prosecuted it for three weeks.
- 我们晓得他是个暗地打听的调查人员。We know that he is a keyhole investigator.
- 建立了一个委员会以调查那件事。A committee was constituted to investigate into that affair.