- 横带扁颌针鱼Ablennes
- 扁背鲀Canthigaster
- 带扁尾莫氏圆锥工作塞规Morse taper working plug gauge with flat tail
- 图20.雌性台湾招潮背面图,背甲后方通常有白色横带。Dorsal view of a female Uca formosensis, a white band frequently exists on the posterior carapace.
- 带扁尾莫氏圆锥工作环规Morse taper working ring gauge with flat tail
- 半横带dimidiate fascia
- 不带扁尾莫氏圆锥工作塞规Morse taper working plug gauge without flat tail
- 背板backboard
- 扁(surname)
- 短缩横带abbreviated fascia
- 背的neural
- 把这些单词背熟。Learn these words off by heart.
- 横杠whiffletree
- 带给bear
- 横轴cross shaft
- 背靠back on
- 带扁尾莫氏圆锥工作塞规B型930"Morse taper working plug gauge with flat tail, type B 930"
- 背痛backache
- 横的traverse
- 扁的oblate