- 大多符合图纸和拼贴画(无归属的细节作了什么),出版长大票友在过去一段时间内模具切割纸,彩色封面,并创作倍。Mostlyline drawings and collages (with no attribution to detail who madewhat), the publication grew fancier over time with die-cut paper, colorcovers, and creative folds.
- 模具mould
- 切割incision
- 模具设计mold design
- 模具制造die making
- 激光切割laser cutting
- 模具厂die shop
- 切割面cut surface
- 注塑模具injection mold
- 切割钻石cut a diamond
- 冲压模具press tool
- 火焰切割torch cutoff
- 模具钢die steel
- 榫槽这种切割的凹槽The groove so cut.
- 成型模具mould
- x轴切割x-cut
- 氧气切割枪oxygen lance
- 塑料模具plastic mould
- DT切割晶体DT-cut crystal
- 模具车间diemaking shop