- 樗栎难成材。A body will never make a hawk.
- 樗栎庸材a man of inferior and ordinary ability
- 樗simarubaceae
- 栎树robur
- 樗蚕Philosamia cynthia; attacus altisima; ailanthus silkworm
- 樗叶花椒Zanthoxylum ailanthoides
- 艾氏栎emory oak
- 樗属[医] Ailanthus Desf.; Ailantus
- 白栎white oak
- 樗酸[医] ailantic acid
- 白栎类leucobalanus group
- 樗叶tree of heaven ailanthus leaf
- 白栎木white oak
- 性嗜樗蒲A Born gamble
- 栎木oak
- 樗鸡Lycorma delicatula White
- 奥里根白栎Garry oak
- 樗蒲an ancient game
- 白叶栎页岩white-leaved oak shales
- 苦樗simaruba