- 韦莱河疣猴Uele colobus
- 让-皮埃尔·雷韦卢马南楚阿-拉齐米哈赫REVELOMANANTSOA RATSIMIHAH, Jean- Pierre
- 苏帕河流域Supa River basin
- 阿帕网正式称为因特网。Arpanet officially called the Internet.
- 疣猴guereza
- 苏帕河梯级电站建设对流域生态环境的影响Influence of Construction of the Supahe River Cascade Hydropower Projects on the River Basin Ecological Environment
- 疣猴科Colobidae
- 河river
- 高级研究计划署网络,阿帕网ARPANET Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
- 楚pain
- 红酒red wine
- 疣猴属Colobus
- 苏帕河矿电联营有关多晶硅生产项目的调研The Survey of the Polysilicon Production Program to Be Implemented by the Supa River Mineral Resources and Hydropower Development Joint Venture
- 红人a favourite by sb. in power
- 阿帕契族的任何一种阿帕契语。any of the apachean languages of the apache.
- 红字rubrication
- 亚洲疣猴Asian colobines
- 翘楚an outstanding or talented person
- 阿拉丁Aladdin
- 腮红blusher