- 梅花plum blossom
- 痣mole
- 梅花扳手double offset ring spanner
- 梅花三弄Three Stanzas of Plum-blossoms; the melody "Plum-blossom in Three Movements"
- 这女孩在脸颊上有一颗小小的痣。The girl has a tiny mole on her cheek.
- 梅花形cinquefoil
- 白痣partial albinism
- 美人痣beauty mark
- 梅花香自苦寒来fragrance of plum comes from hardship and cold
- 她面颊上有一颗小痣。She has a tiny mole on her cheek.
- 白斑痣amelanotic nevus
- 《梅花三弄》Three Variations of the Plum Blossom Tune
- 斑痣nevus spilus
- 梅花草Aaron's beard
- 蜘蛛痣spider nevus
- 他在打第二墩牌时将吃梅花,这很聪明。He's clever to ruff a club at trick two.
- 扁平痣flat nevus
- 梅花雀waxbill
- 表皮痣epithelial nevus
- 梅花二the deuce of clubs