- 萨拉米斯海战Salamis, Battle of
- 在此吉兆的鼓舞下,希腊海军军心大振,在撒拉米斯战役中一举击败波斯舰队。Inspired by this good omen, the Greek navy daringly engaged and defeated the Persian fleet at the battle of Salamis.
- 拉伸stretching
- 埃阿斯萨拉米斯的特勒蒙之子,高大而骁勇的勇士,曾参加特洛伊战争The son of Telamon of Salamis and a warrior of great stature and prowess who fought against Troy.
- 考拉koala
- 索妮亚·桑切斯Sonia Sanchez
- 拉德rad(unit of absorbed dose)
- 阿尔瓦雷斯·桑切斯ALVAREZ SANCHEZ, Miguel
- 拉屎shit
- 佩德罗·卡马乔-桑切斯CAMACHO-SANCHEZ, Pedro
- 拉的tensile
- 菲力克斯:桑切斯,杀了我无济于事。Felix Leiter: Killing me won't stop anything, Sanchez!
- 拉手knop
- 奥斯卡·阿里亚斯·桑切斯ARIAS SANCHEZ, Oscar
- 拉丝drawbench
- 路易斯·多布尔斯·桑切斯DOBLES SANCHEZ, Luis
- 下拉pull-down (crystal)
- 卡洛斯·桑切斯·巴维雷纳SANCHEZ BARBERENA, Carlos
- 菲力克斯:桑切斯,杀了我无济于事。Felix Leiter: Killing me won't stop anything, Sanchez!
- 抗拉强度intensity of tension